Mbalenhle (Movie)

Starring: Cebo Zikhali, Mpule Matlhola, Mpume Nyamane, Mpho Molefe & Simphiwe Shembe
Director :  Samuel Leburu
Writers : Kirsten Mohamed
Genre : Drama/Romance
Released: October 20, 2018
Production Company: Leburugraphy Pictures
With a bedridden mother, a drunkard uncle – who’d sell his own family for the brown bottle, Mbalenhle, a young, beautiful and intelligent girl from a poverty stricken family, with a promisingly bright future, must find a balance between teenage hood intricacies, love and being the support structure for her family. All the while trying to pursue the opportunity to get into university. But her uncle’s antics bare a looming trouble for all her quests.

Source: Website –